
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

var $wpcsp = $("#woo-product-carousel-wrapper-1668931163");

$wpcsp.owlCarousel({ rewind:false, loop:true, autoWidth:false, responsiveClass:true, autoplayHoverPause:false, autoplay:true,

dots:false, autoplayTimeout: 4000, dotData:true, dotsEach:false, rtl:false, slideBy:1, nav:false, // set it false as we are using custom navigation navText:['‹','›'], smartSpeed: 900, // it smooths the transition, and it should be lower than the speed of the auto play responsive:{ 0 : { items:1 }, 350: { items:2 }, 480: { items:3 }, 600 : { items:3 }, 768:{ items:4 }, 978:{ items:4 }, 1198:{ items:5 } }


// stop on hover but play after hover out $wpcsp.hover( function(){ $wpcsp.trigger('stop.owl.autoplay'); }, function(){ $wpcsp.trigger('play.owl.autoplay'); } );

// custom navigation trigger

$(".next-1668931163").click(function(){ $wpcsp.trigger("next.owl.carousel"); });

$(".prev-1668931163").click(function(){ $wpcsp.trigger("prev.owl.carousel", [300]); });


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